Event Strategy
Empowering Countries and Cities to Achieve Sporting Excellence
Host City Strategies for Successfully Hosting Major Sport Events
EKS can help your country or city define the overarching plans and objectives to successfully attract and host major sport events. Likewise, we also work with event owners to support creating the best version of their events
Event Owners - What We Do
Attracting hosts for your event involves a strategic approach that showcases the benefits and positive outcomes for potential host cities, regions or countries.
EKS has a proven track record creating compelling event narratives supported by fact based analysis which meets the requirements of potential hosts across the globe.
The fundamental event concept is a defining consideration and one which event owners must develop to suit a range of hosting contexts.
EKS assists event owners to define the unique selling points and the overall concept of the event. We define and showcase how the event provides value and helps potential host cities to achieve their objectives.
Major events are now subject to greater scrutiny than ever before. Potential host be that government or private sector require clear evidence of sustainable practices, positive impact and benefit.
EKS guides event owners to ensure comprehensive impact studies are prepared for events that demonstrate the potential benefits including soft legacy opportunities for host cities.
In a fully connected 24x7 world, effective management of community engagement and a thorough understanding of the communication channels to reach key sectors is a foundation requirement for all major events.
EKS assists event owners to build relationships with key stakeholders, including government officials, community leaders, and sport federations/non-government organizations. We help to attract and engage stakeholders in the bidding and planning process to ensure their support and commitment.
Developing the market for your event requires a real understanding of the global market appetite/demand and the current view of major potential host about the event acquisition (usually referred to as “bidding”) process.
EKS assists event owners to streamline the host acquisition process, providing clear guidelines and support for potential host cities. We help event owners to provide technical assistance and refine the operational guidelines to enable cities to prepare competitive and comprehensive bids. We remain up to date with market trends and potential host attitudes and processes towards acquiring events.
Event hosts and potential hosts require an early and clear understanding of the event requirements. Providing this information in an appropriate manner enhances the event owners position in acquiring great hosts and being an effective partner for their hosts.
EKS supports event owners preparation of event requirements for potential hosts outlining key aspects of the event, such as its format, scale, technical and operational requirements. We include technical specifications, financial considerations, and sustainability criteria as well as legacy objectives, compliance and a detailed timeline.

Host Countries and Cities - What We Do
A host event strategy outlines the objectives a hosting country or city aims to achieve by hosting major sports events and provides a detailed roadmap for successfully accomplishing these goals.
EKS has a proven track record working with countries and cities across the globe supporting them to develop their event strategies.
EKS assists countries and cities in clearly defining their vision for hosting major events and understanding the expected impact. Additionally, EKS supports the formulation of specific objectives, both short-term and long-term, that the country or city aims to achieve through the targeting, acquisition, and hosting of these events.
EKS identifies key stakeholders, including government bodies, local communities, businesses, and event organizers, who need to participate in the major event strategy. EKS also deploys actions to engage and collaborate with these stakeholders throughout the planning and execution phases.
EKS assesses existing infrastructure and identifies any necessary upgrades or new constructions required to host the targeted event(s) in alignment with the established vision. This includes considerations related to accessibility, capacity, and sustainability.
EKS prepares detailed budgets that outline the estimated costs for all aspects of the event strategy, including bidding, hosting, and city operations support. EKS also defines strategies for securing funding, encompassing government support, sponsorships, and ticket sales.
EKS supports the development of comprehensive marketing and promotional plans to generate awareness and excitement both nationally and internationally. Additionally, EKS supports branding strategies that showcase the unique aspects of the host country or city and the events.
EKS assesses existing accommodations to ensure they meet the hosting requirements and prepares plans to secure additional lodging options if necessary. Additionally, EKS develops a hospitality services policy to guarantee a positive experience for visitors and participants.
EKS assesses and plans for efficient transportation systems to accommodate participants and spectators. EKS also develops strategies for managing traffic, enhancing public transportation, and coordinating with relevant authorities.
EKS develops comprehensive security plans to ensure the safety of participants and spectators. EKS collaborates with law enforcement agencies and emergency services to identify and address potential risks related to the Events.
EKS develops and integrates sustainable practices to minimize environmental impact while maximizing social benefits. EKS advises on specific event sustainability plans related to eco-friendly technologies, waste reduction strategies, and green event management practices.
EKS develops cultural events and social programs as part of the event hosting strategy to highlight the host city's heritage and attract a broader audience. EKS prepares strategies for engaging local communities and promoting cultural exchange.
EKS identifies the long-term benefits that the country and city aim to achieve from hosting major events. When applicable, EKS defines and aligns infrastructure legacy projects that support the event hosting requirements and contribute to the broader development goals of the country and city.
EKS advises on cutting-edge technology for event management, communication, and enhancing the spectator experience. EKS defines strategies for leveraging digital platforms and the host city's innovation opportunities to boost engagement and accessibility.
EKS implements a system and methodology to monitor progress and evaluate the success of major events hosted in the country or city. EKS establishes dynamic feedback mechanisms for real-time course correction, continuous improvement, and future event planning.